DJI Mavic Mini vs DJI Mavic Air

November 22, 2021

The Battle of the DJI Drones

DJI has been one of the leading drone manufacturers in the market, and it's no surprise why. They produce high-quality drones that are loaded with cool features, and many drone hobbyists and professionals love them. Today, we'll take a closer look at DJI Mavic Mini vs. DJI Mavic Air.

DJI Mavic Mini

DJI Mavic Mini

DJI Mavic Mini is an entry-level drone that is targeted towards beginners or individuals who just want a drone for casual flying. It's small, lightweight, and can fit in your pocket. This drone is easy to operate, and it comes with features like GPS, 2.7k video resolution, and a range of 4 km.

The Mavic Mini drone weighs only 249 grams, which is below the FAA's requirement of having a drone registration. However, the downside of its small size is that it lacks obstacle avoidance sensors, which means that it relies solely on the pilot's flying skills when it comes to avoiding collisions.

DJI Mavic Air

DJI Mavic Air

On the other hand, DJI Mavic Air is a step up from the Mavic Mini. It's a mid-range drone that offers some great features for prosumer or professional users. The Mavic Air has a 4k video resolution, three-axis gimbal stabilization, and a range of 10 km. It also comes with obstacle avoidance sensors, which makes it safer to fly.

The Mavic Air weighs 430 grams, which is still manageable for travel, but you'll need to register it with the FAA.

The Verdict

Now that we've compared DJI Mavic Mini and DJI Mavic Air let's take a quick look at the pros and cons of both drones.

DJI Mavic Mini Pros and Cons

  • Pros: Lightweight, portable, and easy to operate. It also does not require FAA registration as it weighs under 250g.
  • Cons: No obstacle avoidance sensors and limited video resolution.

DJI Mavic Air Pros and Cons

  • Pros: Better video resolution, obstacle avoidance sensors, and longer range.
  • Cons: Heavier weight and requires FAA registration.

In conclusion, DJI Mavic Mini is a great option for beginners or those who want a drone for recreational flying. It's lightweight, portable, and easy to operate. However, if you're looking for a more professional drone with better features like obstacle avoidance sensors, higher video resolution, and longer range, then DJI Mavic Air would be the better pick.

We hope this comparison between DJI Mavic Mini and DJI Mavic Air helped you make the decision on which drone to choose. Remember, always fly your drone safely and responsibly!


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